Our Why
The Clothing The Gaps Foundation is an independent Aboriginal-led not for profit run by Public Health practitioners. We exist to get Aboriginal people and Communities moving so that years are added to Aboriginal people’s lives.
Why do we do this? Currently the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-indigenous people in Australia is still too large.
We know physical activity is important because positive lifestyle habits play a key role in achieving and maintaining health and wellbeing. Healthy habits such as being active reduces the risk of heart disease, some cancers and type two diabetes. It strengthens muscles and bones, helps to maintain body weight and can reduce symptoms of depression. Getting moving also creates opportunity to connect with Community and Country.
Body, mind, spirit and Country...it’s all connected, Aboriginal people have known this for tens of thousands of years.
We believe in self-determination in health because Aboriginal Community knows Aboriginal Community issues, opportunities and challenges best.
How do we do this? We aim to increase Aboriginal physical activity participation in Clothing The Gaps fun runs by supporting Aboriginal Organisations and groups to use the event to run their own Community initiatives and get moving in their own way.
We understand the challenges of health promotion and see many individuals championing positive health in Community Organisations and groups across the country. It’s a tough gig on your own!
Our health promotion team have done the heavy lifting in creating an event toolkit as a resource that supports grassroots workers and local legends to run a great Community based movement event.
We create the opportunity, Community self-determine what this looks likes.
We call this Mob Run This.

Our Values
At the heart of the Clothing The Gaps Foundation lie the values of elevating, educating, advocating and motivating people for positive change.
We put these values in to action by creating events, programs, resources and spaces to:
Elevate, represent and promote Aboriginal voices and excellence to further enable Aboriginal people to celebrate their identity and visibility in the world.
Educate and start conversations with the wider Australian population about causes or issues affecting Aboriginal Australia. To promote reconciliation and welcome non-Indigenous people to learn about, celebrate and support Aboriginal Australia.
Motivate people and activate Aboriginal Communities to make positive lifestyle choices and be healthier in their mind, body and spirit through Mob Run This.
Advocate and campaign for social change on issues impacting on Aboriginal people and their Communities.